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George Sanger

Jam Director

George Sanger, also known as "The Fat Man," is a seasoned musician and Jam Director at Mid-City Community Music. His love for music began in the early '70s when he started playing in bands, and since then, he has been a driving force in running jam groups. With a trailblazing career in the music and sound for videogames industry, George earned recognition as one of the first in the USA to delve into this field. Notably, he served as the first Audio Director at the Augmented Reality company Magic Leap and holds several patents in that domain. His expertise has led him to speak at conferences, run think tanks, author a book, write numerous articles, and conduct insightful interviews related to the industry.

Despite his impressive background, George's true passion lies in jamming, a pursuit that has captivated him since the age of 14. He is affectionately dubbed "the Deepak Chopra of jamming" after writing an influential article sharing tips and tricks for successful jamming sessions. In his role as Jams Director at MCCM, George revels in interacting with participants who are fully immersed "in the flow" of playing instruments and singing. Witnessing the transformative power of music on young individuals involved in MCCM's programs brings him immense gratification and inspiration.

Amidst all his accomplishments, George remains humble and cherishes the connections he has built with wonderful people, including the staff at MCCM and some famous individuals. He takes pride in being associated with Mid-City Community Music and is touched by his youngest daughter's immense pride in his work with the organization.

With his wealth of experience and passion for music, George Sanger is a valuable asset to MCCM's programs. His unique perspective and unwavering dedication to the transformative power of music enrich the lives of participants, fostering a sense of community and empowerment through the joy of playing and sharing music. As Jams Director, George continues to be a guiding force in nurturing the next generation of musicians and instilling a lifelong love for music in all who cross paths with Mid-City Community Music.

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